On this page you will be able to find links to some of the most reliable sources of information on health and vaccination.
cdc.gov/vaccines: The official site of the US government.
nhs.uk: The vaccination information provided by the NHS.
vaccines.gov: Another Goverment site about vaccination.
immunise.health.gov.au: Australian pro vaccination campaign
webmd.com: The vaccination section at webMD.com.
General Health
who.int: The website of the world health organization
nih.gov: Health information from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
healthfinder.gov: Helps you find a care professional
Other travel resources
Gov.uk: The governments guide to safe travels.
Smartraveller:Official travel advice for Australians covering all destinations provided by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Binary Options United Kingdom: Learn how you can earn money to be able to travel more.